Scholars across disciplines have amply demonstrated the role of women in spiritual reform, as writers, patrons (of artworks and religious orders), and in devotional practices. Art-historical inquiry has recently turned to the involvement of some canonical artists in reform movements: women artists, however, seem absent from this discussion, despite their production of altarpieces and devotional images, as well as their connections with ecclesiastics.
This session seeks to explore women artists’ engagement with religious issues. Is this a promising line of inquiry« Did women tackle specific theological matters in their art’ Do they express the thoughts of a patron or religious community » Are they motivated, moreover, by personal sentiments’ Did they align themselves with any specific currents within the Reform’ Do we have evidence of women artists attempting a specifically gendered devotion’ Paper proposals that speak to these or similar issues are invited.
Please send a paper title; an abstract (150-word maximum); keywords; and a brief curriculum vitae (300-word maximum) to Sheila ffolliott by the end of May 2013.