We welcome abstracts from all fields (literature, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, law, religion, art, music, cultural studies, film studies, gender studies, etc.) that treat the question of the idea of France or Frenchness in any time period from the middle ages to the twenty-first century. Papers may be delivered in English or French.
Tentative keynote speakers include David Bell (History, Princeton), Olivier Dutheillet de Lamothe (Conseiller d’Etat, Membre honoraire du Conseil constitutionnel), Lawrence Kritzman (Cultural Theory, Dartmouth), Domna Stanton (Literature/Women’s Studies, CUNY), and Ezra Suleiman (Political Science, Princeton).
Please send 150-250 word abstracts (English or French) to idfr@pitt.edu.
Due date: January 10, 2011.
For further information, contact Todd Reeser, reeser@pitt.edu, conference coordinator