Appel à nomination – Prix SSEMWG
Prix, avant le 15 mai 2023

The Society seeks nominations for awards for scholarly work on women and gender in the early modern period (ca. 1450-1750) published/completed between June 2022 and May 2023. The deadline for all nominations is May 15th, 2023. The deadline includes receipt of all relevant information as well as all materials. Awards will be announced in November 2023.

Awards Categories:

  •  Book Award (scholarly monographs)
  • Essay/Article Award
  • Editions Awards (critical editions of primary sources)

For this category, we are seeking nominations for both teaching and scholarly editions. We have three categories for which we may award prizes in a given year. These include: the Josephine Roberts Award for a Scholarly Edition; an award for a teaching edition; and an award for a scholarly edition in translation. Please note: we do not always award prizes for all three of these categories. We ask that all editions nominations be made simply to the umbrella category of “Editions Awards.”

  • Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award
  • Collaborative Project Award (Edited Collections of Essays, etc.)
  • Digital Scholarship, New Media, & Art Award (Web-based projects, exhibitions, concerts, productions of plays, etc.)  Note: Since such projects often do not have a single date of publication, nominations are accepted for projects operating from July 2021 to May 2022.
  • SSEMWG administers the prize for the best article published in each volume of Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal. All articles published in the journal are automatically considered for the prize.

To nominate an entry for the 2023 Book Award, Editions Award(s), and Collaborative Project Award please send the following by May 15, 2023:

  1. Send contact information and full bibliographical information for each nomination to Jessica Weiss (
  2. Send three hard copies (to arrive by May 15, 2022) to:

Jessica Weiss

MSU Denver Dept. of Art

1201 5th Street

Denver, CO  80204

  1. Additionally, please ensure that three e-book copies of the text OR equivalent PDF copies are available (for review purposes only)


To nominate an entry for the 2023 Essay/Article Award, Graduate Student Conference Presentation Award, or Digital Scholarship, New Media, & Art Award, please send the following by May 15, 2023:

Email the PDF or URL along with full contact and bibliographical information to Jessica Weiss (

Please send all inquiries to the Awards Committee Chair, Jessica Weiss (