The Society for Early Modern Women Sessions
New York (27-29 mars 2014)

The Society for Early Modern Women [] extends sponsorship for up to five sessions at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Sponsorship signifies that sessions accepted by the SSEMW are automatically accepted for the RSA Annual Conference.

Session organizers whose panel focuses on women or female gender/sexuality in the Renaissance/Early Modern period ? in all disciplines and in all geographic areas – are invited to submit an abstract describing the objective of their session, the names of speakers (with institutional affiliation), and the titles and draft abstracts of the papers to be read. Please make sure that all the information required by the RSA is provided when you submit your proposal [ ]

Deadline for proposals: 25th May 2013 to

The SSEMW does not at the moment require that people proposing sessions for sponsorship be members of the Society until their panel is accepted.