Generation to Generation
Boston, USA (17-20 novembre 2011)

The next SSHA conference will be held in Boston from 17-20 November 2011. Submissions for the conference will close on 15 February 2011. The theme for the conference is « Generation to Generation. » Panels organized around this theme are especially encouraged, and there are many aspects of this theme that could be explored from a WGS perspective.
As many of you know sessions at SSHA are organized by thematic, inter-disciplinary networks, and within those networks by scholars like yourselves. We hope that many of you will be able to organize sessions for the conference, and attend the meeting in Boston. This year your network representatives for the Women, Gender and Sexuality Network are ELIZABETH BERNSTEIN and DOMINIQUE GRISARD
Please contact me with queries and ideas for panels, and any help you need organizing them. We will be helping you put panels together, and acting as your liaison with the Program Committee.
There are a few IMPORTANT THINGS to know about organizing panels for SSHA.
* Panels of research papers must have 4 (or more) papers. This is a new requirement for 4 papers in a panel, and decreases the impact of dropouts between February and November.
* Panels must include presenters from more than one academic discipline and institution.
* Panels that are complete (4 papers, discussant, chair) have a much higher chance of getting accepted.
* Panels organized in different formats than the standard presentation of 4 research papers are encouraged. Roundtable discussions and « book author meets critics » sessions have been well attended at recent conferences.
We are here to help with achieving these goals — if you have an interesting idea but don’t have quite enough people to make it complete, please let us know as early as possible. If you are in touch with us before the new year we will include it in our later call for papers.
  • Generations of Feminist Scholarship
  • Feminist History as a Generational Topic
  • Next Genderation: Histories of a Feminist Future
  • Generational Concepts in Feminism Past and Present
  • Feminist Epistemology: A Critique
  • Feminist Histories, Count(er)ing Generations
  • Histories of a Feminist Future
  • Queer Temporality, Repronormativity and « Straight Time » in History
  • The Second Edition of Simone de Beauvoir?s The Second Sex. Different feminist generations reading Simone de Beauvoir
  • Youth and Coming of Age LGBT Youth
  • Reproducing the State. Questions around citizenship reproduced through women’s bodies
  • Quantitative Analysis and Feminist Scholarship
  • Queer Oral Histories and Generational Changes
  • History of Girl Culture. Thing theoretical approaches
  • Feminist mothers & girl culture
  • Sex-Migration as generational projects and trails
  • New Media: The « birth » of a new generation of LGBT communities’
  • Gender and Generations in European Left Wing Terrorism