The 115th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association The 2022 Program Committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables, and individual papers on any subject, but […]
Category: Appels à contribution
“Les Femmes dans les réseaux urbains de l’humanisme (1492-1615)”
Appel à communications Bordeaux, 29-30 juin 2022, Bibliothèque Municipale de Bordeaux Colloque organisé par Caroline Trotot (projet Cité des Dames Université Gustave Eiffel), Violaine Giacomotto-Charra (projet HumanA Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Centre […]
Entre naturel et surnaturel, les corps affectés au XVIIIe siècle
CHUV, Lausanne & Château Mercier, Sierre Argumentaire : Ce colloque portera sur la question du corps entre le naturel et le surnaturel, au XVIIIe siècle en Europe. Il s’agira de revenir […]
Women in Christianity A Cultural History of Women Religious from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
Series Editors: Julia Lewandowska (University of Warsaw, Poland) and Araceli Rosillo-Luque (Archive and Library of the Catalan Franciscans in Barcelona, Spain) This book series aims to make visible, analyse […]
“Cet horrible massacre si renommé par toute l’Europe”. Représentations et usages de la Saint-Barthélemy en Europe et dans le Monde (1572-2022)
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle & Sorbonne Université Le 13 avril 2016, une plaque commémorative en l’honneur des victimes de la Saint-Barthélemy était apposée au pied du pont Neuf, dans le square […]
Le Grand siècle en mouvement : négociations, circulations, dynamiques
The Grand Siècle in Movement: Negotiations, Circulations, Dynamics 40ème Congrès international annuel de la Société d’études pluridisciplinaires du dix-septième siècle français 40th Annual International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary […]
Women, Money, Music and Theatre: exploring the Political economy of Performing arts (Italy and France: 1550-1700)
During the 16th and 17th centuries, many European women were able to forge a place in the world of entertainment—as actresses, dancers, singers, musicians, instrumentalists, composers, poetesses and playwrights—developing careers that, in […]
Separated and Divorced Wives in the Early Modern World
Revue Genealogy, special issue Scholarship on the marital status of early modern women has proliferated over the last two decades. We now know much more about the experiences of single, married, […]
Making Kin in Early Modern France: Interspecies Ecologies of Care
53rd Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention Deadline for Abstract Submissions: September 30, 2021 This panel seeks to consider how the works of French writers and thinkers of the early […]
Women’s Soundscapes in the Early Modern World
Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal Volume 17.1 (Fall 2022) Moving beyond attention to early modern women’s “voices,” this forum investigates their participation in soundscapes — the acoustic environment […]