SSEMWG Graduate Student Travel Grants
Aide au voyage de recherche - Appel avant le 1er janvier 2024


Each year, the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender provides travel support for up to six graduate students to present their work at national or international conferences.  Travel costs up to $400 each will be supported.  Eligible individuals are advised to follow the application instructions provided below.


Travel grant applications will be accepted twice a year.  Expressions of interest with full conference and paper details should be directed to the SSEMWG Vice President (currently Michelle Dowd, by January 1 (for spring/summer conferences) and September 1 (for fall conferences).

How to apply: 

Please provide the following information with your expression of interest:

  • Brief letter from a faculty member or graduate adviser verifying your status in a graduate program;
  • Conference paper details (title, panel, etc.);
  • Confirmation of conference paper acceptance/invitation;
  • Conference details (including date & location);
  • Budget details, including other sources of received or potential funding (and amounts);
  • Whether you have previously received an SSEMWG travel grant and, if so, when


  • Member of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender (student membership is $20, please see here for membership applications/renewals);
  • Graduate student in good standing;
  • Presentation on a topic pertinent to SSEMWG’s mission

Questions should be directed to Michelle Dowd,