Keywords: Gender, Luxury, European Town, Consumption, Retail Section: Main session Leading question: The role of the town as a crucial place for material and cultural circulations and for competition and […]

Keywords: Gender, Luxury, European Town, Consumption, Retail Section: Main session Leading question: The role of the town as a crucial place for material and cultural circulations and for competition and […]
Gina Luria Walker, Associate Professor of Women’s Studies at New School University, seeks scholars to participate in the Female Biography Project, a collaborative feminist effort in which the Chawton House […]
Projet porté par les équipes de recherche ICD (université François-Rabelais, Tours, dir. Mónica Zapata) EA 3556 (dir. Marie-Thérèse Mourey) ; CRLC (dir. Jean-Yves Masson), Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) ? Comité d’organisation […]