Un itinéraire d’écriture au XVIIIe siècle Monique MOSER-VERREY Paris, Hermann, « Les collections de la République des Lettres », juin 2013, 370 pages, 45 ?, ISBN : 978 2 7056 8695 6 […]

Le pouvoir, dans ses manifestations plus ou moins despotiques, a toujours utilisé la délégitimation comme outil politique de censure, pour désamorcer les idées contraires au régime ou encore pour influencer […]

→ Revue

Responsables : Valérie Pouzol, MCF, histoire contemporaine, (Paris 8, EA 1571, RING) Yannick Ripa, PU, histoire contemporaine (Paris 8, EA 1571, LabEx EHNE, Ecrire une nouvelle histoire de l’Europe-Axe 6 […]

→ Paris (5-6 d?c. 2013)

The French Review will publish an « État présent » for French 16th-century studies. Several colleagues have agreed to review criticism in the following areas: George Hoffmann on Montaigne, David LaGuardia on […]

→ Revue

October 18-19, 2013 University of Turku, Finland Keynote Speakers Dr. Mike Hill (University at Albany-SUNY) Dr. Philomena Essed (Antioch University) The study of Whiteness emerged in the United States as […]

→ Turku (18-19 oct. 2013, Finland)

Early work on literary authorship stressed the concept’s associations with men and masculinity?and, hence, its difficulties for women. Recent scholars have nuanced such claims, focusing not only on early modern […]

→ New York (27-29 mars 2014)

This session explores the relationship of early modern women to shifting conceptions of the public and private realms as well as domesticity. How did early modern women, especially early modern […]

→ New York (27-29 mars 2014)